
God calls all of us as stewards (managers) of the many gifts graciously given by our Lord. Counted among those gifts are the blessings of time, talent and resources. Helping people to recognize the gifts they have been given and encouraging them to use them in support of the work of the Gospel is what Stewardship Ministry is all about. From finding ways that followers of Christ can use their time in service to the Lord to helping them discover skills and abilities that can be applied in ministry are but two of the roles of congregational stewardship.

In addition, Stewardship Ministry focuses on management of financial resources as well. As God has blessed us, we are called to be a blessing. Using our finances in this way not only supports the mission of the Church but encourages greater giving in the community.


Ways to Give

In-Person or by Mail

You can always leave your giving envelope with an usher, stop into the office to drop it off, or mail it in.


Use the button below to donate online using a secure platform.